We don't just make lab products.
We make the work lab professionals do easier, more efficient and more fun.
Improve Productivity
We look for ways to add multi-functionality and versatility to our products to make the job easier
Solve Problems
With space and budget restraints laboratories face, delivering space saving AND affordable products is priority
Stimulate the Mind
With a spectrum of colors and modern styles our products not only liven up your day, but bring organization to the lab
Be Considerate
We don't believe in over-engineer products. We look for a balance of quality and resources needed
Innovation drives our business. Our business drives your innovation.
In less than 25 years, we added more than 800 products to our portfolio.

Average new products launched per year:

Revenue from products released < 3 years ago:
How we do it - MagFuge design thinking
When you start every day asking why is it that way? You see where innovation has stalled. Even small innovations can have avalanche-effects on the way you work.
The MagFuge multi-function centrifuge bundle redefines lab equipment you never dreamed would change.
You don’t just do one thing all day. So we included adapters and rotors that operators told us are most vital to all their work.
Small specialty tools get lost. So we made everything adjustable by hand.

Shared equipment causes friction between operators in the lab. We found a way to price it lower than the 2 pieces of equipment it replaces so you can stock every workspace with one.
Centrifuges spin. Magnetic stirrers spin. So we found a clever way to combine them and save your valuable bench space.
Check out the finished result.

Thoughts on how to do it better?
Give us your ideas.
You aren’t here to fade into the background. You’re here to make a difference. To question the established order and ask why is it this way? To find better ways of doing things in your lab and trigger a nuclear reaction of innovation.
We live for change. And change in the lab can be hard. We craft lab products that make the work you do easier, more efficient, more fun. So disrupting the status quo in your lab isn’t impossible. It’s natural.